We Automate and Digitize Your Processes with RFID
As a full-service solution provider, we implement Auto-ID and digitization projects for you. We use RFID and barcode technologies. Each of our nine RF-KonSys modules optimizes your processes in logistics, intralogistics and production.
The aim is to reduce existing errors to zero and digitize manual, paper-based processes. We realize our projects at reasonable costs and with a fast return on investment (ROI). We work closely with your teams. Our reference customers come from the automotive industry, the pharmaceutical and biotech sector, event services and cruise tourism, among others
Moving smarter with RFID.
Our Vision
Digital identification with RFID is the basis for a higher degree of automation. Errors and costs are drastically reduced, products are produced and transported faster. RFID is therefore also a key technology for asserting oneself globally in competitive markets and making supply chains more resilient. The data generated by RFID antennas in intralogistics and production will also provide you with valuable insights into further optimization potential. AI will further accelerate this development significantly.

Six project phases help achieving objectives in a structured but agile way
We have developed our own project methodology in which we involve everyone from warehouse staff to C-level stakeholders in productive teamwork and immediately put realized results through their paces in day-to-day work. This allows us to optimize agilely according to your wishes until everyone is happy.