Your working life with us

Of course, we work hard for our customers. Especially towards the end of the project, we give it our all. Our workload is also high. Nevertheless, it is important to us that we have fun as a team and that your work-life balance remains in balance. Flexible working hours are a matter of course for us.

Offene Stellen RFID Konsortium

Working with us means a lot of freedom and personal responsibility. You contribute your ideas, think outside the box and surprise your colleagues with new approaches. There is no such thing as boredom due to routine work. Instead, we offer needs-based further training. Every project is different.
Every client has special challenges that we face together. If the client is satisfied in the end, we are proud of our team’s success. A great feeling! In our customer projects, you can feel the dynamics of digitalization – whether in a medium-sized company or a corporate project. We rely on artificial intelligence as part of our logistics modules. There are many premieres to celebrate here. Join us and break new ground with us.

Offene Stellen RFID Konsortium
Icon Case Career - RFID Konsortium

Junior Sales Representative

To strengthen our team, we are looking for a Junior Sales Representative (m/f/d) full-time for our company headquarters in Friedberg/Dorheim as soon as possible.



  • Lead processing and independent cold calling
  • New customer acquisition and existing customer care
  • Preparation of quotations and invoices, customer support and advice
  • Support with marketing activities, e.g. trade fair presence
  • Preparation of customer appointments with individual presentations
  • Support with the coordination of projects and their documentation

RFID KONSORTIUM as an employer

Your checklist

  • Part-time and full-time positions
  • Training and development opportunities
  • Flexible working hours
  • Home office (by arrangement)
  • Modern work equipment
  • Opportunity to actively shape your working environment and tools
  • Free (subsidized) membership in MySportsRewards .
  • 30 days vacation
  • Free employee parking spaces
  • Free drinks and Big Update pizzas

In addition

  • Familiar, team-oriented working atmosphere
  • Appreciation, personal responsibility and freedom of choice
  • Varied and interesting work in an innovative technology company
  • Flat hierarchies
  • Good transport connections

Our team

Jürgen Planz

“What fascinates me is that every customer has a different motivation for setting up an RFID project. Even if it is sometimes turbulent, I am happy when everyone involved is happy with the solution after the project.”

In sales, we start the joint journey with the customer long before a project begins. W e clarify all technical and commercial requirements. First, when everything is in “dry cloths”, we get started. Finding the right choice of software and hardware within the budget and having to deal with individual tasks and challenges is what makes our work so complex and exciting.

Tino Steickert
Managing Director

“We have a long-standing partnership with most of our customers. Being agile and ready to find solutions in crises like the pandemic creates a great deal of trust. But of course we also deliver. Every day.”

Of course, as a managing director you wear many hats. The sales hat is my favorite. When you’ve been in this market for so many years, you usually quickly recognize where the customer’s shoe pinches. Working together to develop a tailor-made solution to a customer problem and knowing that the team is behind you is always a great feeling.

Dominik Steickert - RFID Konsortium

Dominik Steickert
Head of Development

“My favorite moment is when we achieve aha effects for the customer after just a short time. For example, when no one has to tick off long lists of articles because we have fully automated article entry. Every warehouse employee is happy that such an annoying step has been eliminated.”

Our software engineering is very close to the customer. This allows us to select precisely the software modules that fit the customer’s processes very well. We often combine barcodes with RFID if this makes economic sense. We implement our project phases in an agile manner so that the people who work with it on a daily basis can immediately see the benefits of our automation solution. Not possible for us!

Tobias Kraft - RFID Konsortium

Tobias Kraft
Hardware Engineer

“I’m responsible for the proof of concept. It’s a lot of fun because you can create a test environment at the customer’s premises and simulate the entire project in advance in a kind of dry run. We then test potentially suitable RFID transponders and readers so that we can recommend the best options for the customer’s project.”

The pre-configuration of the various devices is part of our project methodology.
This allows us to be more flexible and faster during installation on site at the customer’s premises.
Depending on customer preference, we also provide technical support, on-site or remote, as well as maintenance, including repairs.

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Unsolicited application welcome

Do you have professional experience in software development, sales, RFID technology or the commercial sector?
Then we look forward to receiving your short application.