When RFID Projects are Launched

A great moment every time: The project launch. Accompany us here along our photo galleries to the “go-live” experience. After months of testing, tagging, adapting the RF KonSys modules and programming the interfaces to WMS or ERP, everyone involved will now be working with the new solution.

Project: RF KonSys Mobile Gate for air freight outgoing goods

Air Freight: Mobile RFID gate checks freight before it is loaded onto the aircraft

Mobiles Gate wird im Rahmen von Servicetechniker verschraubt

RF KonSys Mobile Gate Inbetriebnahme Rahmenfixierung

On wheels: The RF KonSys Mobile Gate

RFID Experte prüft Funktionalität von Mobilem RFID Gate

RF KonSys Mobile Gate QA vor Auslieferung

Airport: Mobile gate for air freight

Akku Pack für mobiles RFID Gate

RF Konsys Mobile Gate Akku

Rechargeable battery supplies mobile RFID gate with power

RFID Torlösung auf Rollen mit Statusanzeige und Monitor

RF KonSys Mobile Gate auf Rollen Testphase

Flexible positioning: The mobile gate

Mobile Gate Lösung mit Monitor zur Statusanzeige

RF KonSys Mobile Gate Airport X-Ray Statusanzeige

Monitor shows detection status of passed parcels

Mobiles RFID Gate für die Paketerfassung am Ausgang X-Ray Tunnel

RF KonSys Mobile Gate Airport X-Ray Sicherheitskontrolle

Check RFID antennas before loading

Zwei mobile RFID Gates und ein Flughafen Röntgentunnel

RF KonSys Mobile Gate Airport RFID Kathrein Reader

Avoid incorrect shipments in air freight

Project: Error-free Goods Issue at Item Level

Event logistics: The RF KonSys Gates project is put into operation



RFID gates prevent loading errors

Automatisierter Warenausgang - RFID Konsortium


Error-free outgoing goods

RFID Gate am Verladetor - RFID Konsortium


Control: Goods loaded onto the correct truck

RFID Gate Verladerampe - RFID Konsortium


RF KonSys Gate solution

Project: Material Track & Trace in Pharma Laboratory

Pharmaceutical research: 250 research workstations use RFID sample management for efficient and transparent material consumption

Kathrein RFID Lesepunkt am Hallenübergang - RFID Konsortium


Strategic reading points for laboratory materials

Pharma Labortische mit RFID Readern - RFID Konsortium


Reader under table top: Automatic detection

RFID Reader Gatelösung - RFID Konsortium


RFID reader at the lab entrance

Untertisch RFID Reader - RFID Konsortium


Fully automated: Under-table reader

Project: RFID Gates at the Truck Unloading Ramp

Automotive supplier: RF KonSys Gate solution prevents errors in incoming and outgoing goods in internal plant traffic

Warenausgang Werksverkehr Automotive Supply - RFID Konsortium


Goods are recorded as they pass through the gate...

Intralogistische Kontrolle Warenausgang - RFID Konsortium


and automatically compared with the order

Fehlerfreier Wareneingang Warenausgang - RFID Konsortium


Errors are thus eliminated

PKW Zulieferbetrieb nutzt RFID Reader - RFID Konsortium


Kathrein Reader: RFID hardware of the gate solution

Nehmen Sie Kontakt zu uns auf - RFID Konsortium

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